When designing a new business facility, it is essential that every element of production consistently achieves businesses output, quality and return on investment goals to maximise their automation potential. Applied Robotics leverages its three decades of experience in factory design, to help businesses facilitate the complete design and management of new production sites beyond the scope of a turnkey machine provision. We work with business’ teams from the initial stages of property procurement, through to the merchandising of the finished product, and everything in-between. Applied Robotics’ system design approach ensures that: - A robust operation is launched factoring in present and future production goals - Each stage line has a measurable and achievable outcome to drive the success of onsite operations - Internal logistics are optimised, eliminating the time and money wasted by the movement of unsuitable parts. A warehousing inefficiency that currently consumes up to 90% of operator's time - Businesses consistently have clarity on how their investment is used to achieve our guaranteed performance - System maintenance scheduling is optimised to reduce downtime, alongside a 24/7 support team that understands the entire facility

STEP 1. Concept
Following discussions with key stakeholders about their factory design needs, production output and speed-to-market timeline, an initial concept is developed. Our initial concept proposal includes CAD designs of the production and site facility, automation cycle analysis and expected build and operation costs. Concept iterations are made in response to client feedback.
STEP 2. Design
Once the final concept has been determined, research and development activities are performed to understand the technical, commercial and lead time feasibility for the production facility.
STEP 3. Build
Applied Robotics’ automation solutions are programmed, built and integrated in-house by our experienced team of engineers and electricians. Our systems often include Industrial Robots, Automated Mobile Robots (AMR) and Cobots from world renowned suppliers such as ABB, Kuka, Motoman and Omron.