How modular Robotic design works 

How modular Robotic design works 

Jul 14 · · Uncategorised

In the business world, we are bombarded with headlines like “Adaptability: the new competitive advantage” and “Adaptability is key to business growth”. However, when it comes to adaptability, how easy is it to adapt modern technologies such as specialty machines and robotics into your business for that competitive advantage and business growth?

Robotic Biscuit Packing Line by Applied Robotics

Enter: modular robotic design, the future of agile manufacturing. Imagine your assembly line as building blocks. Each block represents a module or sub-assembly, that has a particular function but is designed to be integrated into a larger assembly.

Modules are a cost-effective way to provide manufacturing companies with the flexibility to respond to customer demands with efficiency. Whilst flexibility is increased as modules can be upgraded, downgraded, mixed or matched with different robots.

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